Summer Meals Proclamation and Resolution Sample Policies Companion Guide


Customizable parts of the Summer Meals Proclamation and Resolution Sample Policy are included in brackets and highlighted in yellow. Some of these are to insert your name (indicated as [FIRST NAME][LAST NAME]), the city you represent (indicated as [CITY]), or the specific state in which your city is located (indicated as [STATE]). Others are to include state-specific information about child food insecurity and summer meals programs, including their reach and administering agency (or agencies for states where a different state agency administers the National School Lunch Program Seamless Summer Option and the Summer Food Service Program).

The data required to complete these state-specific components are included in the second tab of this file, titled DATA. In the Proclamation and Resolution, the word "COMPANION" appears in the yellow-highlighted brackets followed by the corresponding column where you can retrieve the appropriate information in the DATA tab. Information is provided for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. To complete, locate the column in the DATA tab that corresponds to the one indicated in the yellow-highlighted brackets in the Proclamation or Resolution. Locate the cell in that column that corresponds to your state. Replace the yellow-highlighted brackets in the Proclamation or Resolution with this information.  


This file includes data and information you will need to complete the Summer Meals Proclamation and Resolution Sample Policies.