No Kid Hungry's CEP Calculator
What's Inside
The CEP Calculator enables school nutrition staff to...
Compare side-by-side your district’s expected annual revenue under both CEP and standard NSLP (standard counting and claiming)
Compare side-by-side each school’s expected annual revenue under both CEP and standard NSLP
Customize your financial analysis by manipulating expected breakfast and lunch participation rates by school, and see the impacts on revenue in real-time
Optimize your revenue with CEP by using strategic grouping, powered by the CEP grouping tool, Meals Count. It’s built right into the calculator!
For step-by-step guidance on how to use the CEP Calculator, view the short demo below. You can also view a longer webinar and demo here.
NOTE: This year, we have two separate versions of the CEP Calculator: “With KKFA” includes the one-year reimbursement rate increases authorized by the Keep Kids Fed Act, which reflects the reimbursement rates that all schools will automatically receive for the 2022-2023 school year. The “No KKFA” version is programmed with the SY22-23 rates without the temporary increase authorized by the Keep Kids Feed Act. This version may be most helpful if you are using the Calculator to plan for SY23-24 since the rates will likely be more similar.
Questions? Feedback? Email Paige Pokorney at
Calculator last updated 8/2/22
Assess the opportunity and impact of operating CEP on your district's revenue