The Thrifty Food Plan and Pandemic Changes to SNAP: A Guide for Advocates


The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated food insecurity in the United States. SNAP, the largest domestic federal nutrition program, is designed to respond in times of crisis. 

SNAP was one of the first avenues used by legislators during the pandemic to assist those in need. As a result, pandemic response legislation made significant changes to SNAP benefits to quickly provide food aid to those in need and infuse much needed funds into the economy. 

This resource will focus on significant changes impacting benefit levels in SNAP in the last two years:
●    The 2021 USDA revision of the Thrifty Food Plan
●    SNAP COVID-19 benefit increases

This resource will help advocates and others working on SNAP to better understand when and how the COVID-19 waivers affected SNAP benefits and how they intersect with the 2021 TFP revision.