Spotlight on Equity - Aldine ISD
Aldine ISD believes that gaining perspectives from people of diverse backgrounds and communities is critical to building a collective vision for student success that celebrates culture. To more adequately represent the neighborhoods served by the district, efforts have been made to hire more staff members who are Hispanic/Latino/x. Family and Community Engagement (FACE) was created as a way to connect authentically with families. Child Nutrition has assisted this effort by teaching a class for parents in English and Spanish called “Free and Reduced Meal Benefits/Servicios de Nutricionde Aldine y los beneficios del programade comidas a precios reducidoso gratuitos” which teaches parents and guardians about Free and Reduced priced applications and benefits, such as Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT).
In this resource you will learn more about these programs and additional work that Aldine ISD does to create equitable child nutrition programs.

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