2021 Summer Youth Ambassador Partner Application

For the Summer Youth Ambassador program, partners can apply for two youth ambassadors to work full-time over the summer (roughly 30-40 hours/week over ten weeks, not exceeding 360 hours).  Each partner will need to submit an application that includes creating a work plan and a short-list of potential locations in which to recruit for the positions, if approved.  As you know, we rely on the partners to support recruitment at the local level.

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, remote work is highly encouraged for the youth ambassador program for the health and safety of students. Please outline projects that can be done remotely with supervision. If field/on-site work is essential, please describe the projects in detail and the protections in place to support students to limit/prevent exposure to COVID-19. Following approval of the application, Share Our Strength will enter into a grant agreement with approved partners to provide the funding for intern stipends. Please note that moving forward, the Youth Ambassador program will be a grant-funded program by Share Our Strength. Share Our Strength will provide grant funding and programming support to partner organizations. Partner organizations are required to pay stipends directly to students (equal to $5400 per ambassador).

How to Apply

1. Fill out the Online Application 
2. Include a detailed work plan
3. Include a list of potential recruitment options (local colleges, etc.)

As you go through the ONLINE APPLICATION, it can be saved and resumed later. The system will provide a unique link that can be accessed for up to 15 days and any uploaded files will not be saved until the complete application is submitted.

Please ensure that you have read the materials thoroughly before submitting your application online.
The deadline to apply is January 25, 2021.
If you have any questions regarding the program or the application process please contact Riya Rahman at rrahman@strength.org.